Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Hello, blog readers. I wouldn't introduce myself because that's what the about me is for. I am an artist that loves to draw in pencil, color pencils, charcoal, and ink, I also paint in watercolor, oil and acrylics, so I don't really have a specialty. I just love being creative! Oh I also sew, as a matter of fact, I'm in the process of making my own Halloween costume. My friend introduced my to the wonderful world of Steampunk. If  you don't now what Steampunk is, you are missing out on one of the greatest cos-plays of all time. To give you just a little background on it, Steampunk is a blend of the 1920's Victorian era and a futuristic sci-fi. It based a lot of Victorian literature, fashion, architectural style, and art. So lots of brass, goggles and ray guns! For more information if your interested go to, or any of the many other Steampunk blogs out there. Well that's all for now. I'll try to post more picture and info at I make the costume. Thanks for reading!